South American Genealogy Database

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Please contact me by E-mail if you want more information on any name on the list below
(Revised January 2023) 

Family Name Given Name Date Country Town Data Source
Cabrera Carlos 1947 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Cadet Mrs 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Cadett Chales D 1835 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Cadwell Graham M 1949 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Cadwell Sarah Jane 1888 Chile Coquimbo Public Record Office
CAFFY JUAN 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
CAFFY MARIA 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Cage W A 1881 Venezuela La Guayra Whitakers Almanac
Cahill James P 1865 Peru
Cahill James P 1865 Peru Unknown ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Caillaet Bois Teodoro 1917 Argentina Río Gallegos RED CROSS DONOR WW1
Cain Edward James
Cain John Henry 1909 Chile Quilicura Enquiry
Cain Joseph Anthony 1915 Chile Quilicura Enquiry
Cain William George 1907 Chile Quilicura Enquiry
Cain William Robert 1907 Chile Quilicura Enquiry
Cairns J 1891 Brazil Rio Grande BRADFORD EMIGRATION
Cairns Mrs 1891 Brazil Rio Grande BRADFORD EMIGRATION
Cairns(?) Inglis 1836 Brazil Rio de Janeiro RIO PETITION
Calabresi C 1948 Venezuela Caracas MEDICAL DIRECTORY
Calcutt Brendan 1922 Brazil Pelotas AUSTRALIANS W.WAR2
Caldcleugh Alexander 1820 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Enquiry
Caldcleugh Alexander 1820 Brazil Rio de Janeiro ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
CALDEN ALEJANDRA 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
CALDEN ANTONIO 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
CALDEN ANTONIO 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
CALDEN BALDOMERA 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
CALDEN BALDOMERA 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
CALDEN CARLOS 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
CALDEN GUILLERMO 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
CALDEN MARIA 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
1890's Argentina
Calder Colin Bain 1880 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Calder F. W. 1878 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Calder James 1825 Guyana Demerara PCC WILLS
Calder James H c1870 Argentina Cordoba FRAILE MUERTO
Calder William 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
1903 Peru Salaverry & Trujillo Kelly Directory
1903 Chile Talca Kelly Directory
Calderon Jose L c1880 Chile Unknown RAILWAY HISTORY
Calderon Vda 1903 Peru Mollendo Kelly Directory
Caldwell Ana c1840 Uruguay Montevideo Ships list
CALDWELL Frederic 1811 Brazil Rio de Janeiro MISCELLENEOUS BMD
Caldwell H. M. 1864 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Caldwell Henry c1840 Uruguay Montevideo Ships list
Caldwell Hugh 1900 Colombia Ibague SCOTTISH WILLS
Caldwell J 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Caldwell John c1840 Uruguay Montevideo Ships list
CALDWELL P. E. 1914 Argentina
Caldwell W 1874 Chile Valparaiso The Times
Caldwell & Co.
c1880 Chile Unknown RAILWAY HISTORY
Calender Martha 1901 Guyana Georgetown CENSUS UK 1901
CALERO Maria Joaquina 1837 Peru Lima MISCELLENEOUS BMD
Calero Maria Joaquina

Caley Beatrice Winifred Ca 1895 Uruguay Concordia BAPTISMAL RECORD
Caley Fanny Elizabeth 1875 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Caley George A 1868 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Caley George A 1869 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Caley Henry P 1894 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Caley Henry Percy 1885 Brazil
Caley Mary E. 1881 Brazil Bahia CENSUS UK 1881
Caley Rev George Augustus 1868 Brazil Bahia Consular Return
Caley Stuart Alfred 1895 Uruguay Concordia BAPTISMAL RECORD
Callada John / James 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires YELLOW FEVER 1871
Callahan Juan A. 1917 Argentina Puerto Natales RED CROSS DONOR WW1
Callander Amelia 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Callander John 1901 Uruguay Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Callard Ernest 1886 Chile Magallanes MATEO MARTINIC
CALLENDER Randall 1852 Brazil Santa Catherina PRO BRAZIL
CALLENDER. Randall 1852 Brazil St Catherines PRO BRAZIL
Callon H. I. 1922 Chile Harmony CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Callon Herbert I. 1926 Chile Santiago CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
CALLOWAY S. 1914 Argentina
Callum David Boyd Collins 1866 Guyana Berbice SCOTTISH WILLS
Calmer Edwin W 1940 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Caltert Helen 1895 Argentina Patagones Census Argentina
Calvert James 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Calvert Thomas 1883 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Calvert Thomas 1878 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Calvert Thomas 1883 Brazil Bahia PRO BAHIA
Calvert William 1891 Brazil Rio de Janeiro BRADFORD EMIGRATION
Calville Emily 1901 Brazil Rio CENSUS UK 1901
Cambridge Alfonso 1869 Paraguay Unknown PARAGUAY WAR 1869
CAMBRIDGE Frederick 1875 Brazil Port Alegre CONSUL REC. PORT ALEGRO
CAMBRIDGE Frederick 1885 Brazil New Hamburg CONSUL REC. PORT ALEGRO
Cambridge James 1862 Paraguay unknown British in Paraguay
Cambridge James 1869 Paraguay Asuncion PARAGUAY WAR 1869
Cambridge John W 1858 Paraguay unknown British in Paraguay
Cambridge Margaret 1869 Paraguay Unknown PARAGUAY WAR 1869
Cambridge Mary Ann 1869 Paraguay Unknown PARAGUAY WAR 1869
Camder Blanche 1879 Brazil Morro Velho Public Record Office
CAMERON Adam 1841 Surinam Paramaribo SURANIM GRAVES
Cameron Alec 1893 Paraguay Cosme AUSTRALIAN COLONY
CAMERON ALEJANDRO 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
CAMERON ALEJANDRO 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
Cameron Andrew 1880 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cameron Angus 1862 Argentina Buenos Aires SCOTTISH WILLS
Cameron Angus 1832 Argentina Buenos Aires List of subscribers
Cameron Ann 1887 Chile Magallanes MATEO MARTINIC
Cameron Annie 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Cameron Catherine Jane 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Cameron D C 1879 Guyana
Cameron Daniel E. 1887 Chile Magallanes MATEO MARTINIC
Cameron Donald c1890 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
Cameron Donald 1840 S.America New Granada PCC ADMINISTRATION
Cameron Douglas William 1823 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cameron EDwin Stuart 1886 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cameron Elizabeth H. 1881 Guyana Berbice CENSUS UK 1881
Cameron Ellen 1881 Guyana Berbice CENSUS UK 1881
Cameron Ellen 1868 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cameron Ellen 1868 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cameron Elliza Miller 1884 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cameron Henry Douglas 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Cameron Isabel c1825 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Enquiry
Cameron Isabel & John 1815 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Enquiry
Cameron Isabella 1875 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cameron J 1889 Guyana Demarara Will
Cameron Jane 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Cameron Jane 1863 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cameron Jane 1911 Chile Punta Arenas MATEO MARTINIC
Cameron Jane Ellen 1868 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cameron John 1859 Guyana Berbice SCOTTISH WILLS
Cameron John 1858 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
CAMERON John 1813 Brazil Rio de Janeiro MISCELLENEOUS BMD
Cameron John 1859 Guyana Berbice Enquiry
Cameron John 1884 Chile Magallanes MATEO MARTINIC
Cameron John G. 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Cameron John William 1859 Paraguay unknown British in Paraguay
Cameron Mary 1881 Guyana Demerara CENSUS UK 1881
Cameron Mary 1886 Chile Magallanes MATEO MARTINIC
Cameron Mary 1895 Paraguay Cosme Enquiry
Cameron Mary Elizabeth 1880 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
CAMERON R. G 1914 Argentina
Cameron Richard 1868 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cameron Richard 1885 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
CAMERON RODRIGO 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
CAMERON RODRIGO 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Cameron Samuel 1887 Chile Magallanes MATEO MARTINIC
Cameron Samuel c1890 Argentina San Julian LIST OF GRINGOS
Cameron William 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Cameron William 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires YELLOW FEVER 1871
Cameron William c1890 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
Cameron William Stewart 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Caminos Paulina c1850 Argentina Entre Rios Enquiry
Camm J. B 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Cammann Henry 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
c1850 Chile Unknown Enquiry
c1850 Chile Iquique MONUMENT INSC CHILE
CAMP ANITA 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
Camp Charles J 1920 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
CAMP EDUARDO 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
CAMP HARRIOT 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Camp John J. 1919 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
1812 Argentina Buenos Aires ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
1811 Uruguay Corrientes ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
1865 Argentina Carmelo Newspaper Report
c1880 Chile Tarapaca THOMAS O BRIEN
1819 Argentina Buenos Aires MEDICAL DIRECTORY
Campbell A 1841 Brazil Para Para Cemetery
Campbell A. Maria 1881 Guyana Demerara CENSUS UK 1881
CAMPBELL A? 1852 Brazil Rio de Janeiro PRO BRAZIL
Campbell Agnes 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires YELLOW FEVER 1871
Campbell Agnes 1834 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Campbell Alexander 1888 Chile Magallanes MATEO MARTINIC
Campbell Alexander c1890 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
Campbell Alexander 1895 French Guy Cayenne SCOTTISH WILLS
CAMPBELL Alexander 1856 Peru Chincha Islands BISHOPS MEMO
Campbell Alexander Lewis 1859 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
Campbell Allan & Alexander 1851 Chile Caldera ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Campbell Allan Bolton 1890 Guyana Georgetown
CAMPBELL Ambrose Pombo 1905 Brazil Para Para Cemetery
Campbell Ambrose Pombo 1868 Brazil Para Para Cemetery
CAMPBELL Ann 1812 Brazil Rio de Janeiro MISCELLENEOUS BMD
Campbell Ann 1876 Chile Valparaiso SCOTTISH WILLS
Campbell Annie Frances Alice 1930 Guyana Georgetown
Campbell Anthony 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Campbell Anthony 1861 Argentina Buenos Aires Parliamentary paper
CAMPBELL Archibald 1905 Brazil Para Para Cemetery
Campbell Archibald c1860 Brazil Para Para Cemetery
Campbell Archibald 1836 Guyana Berbice PCC ADMINISTRATION
Campbell Brothers 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Campbell C S 1882 Guyana Berbice Clergy Lists
Campbell Charles 1836 Brazil Rio de Janeiro RIO PETITION
Campbell Charles 1856 Brazil Rio de Janeiro PCC WILLS
Campbell Charles Grant 1853 Brazil Rio de Janeiro PCC ADMINISTRATION
Campbell Colin 1819 Argentina Buenos Aires MEDICAL DIRECTORY
Campbell D. S. 1896 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Campbell Daniel 1832 Argentina Buenos Aires List of subscribers
Campbell David 1858 Guyana Essequibo Clergy Lists
Campbell Donald 1820 Uruguay unknown URUGUAY EARLY SETTLERS
Campbell Donald 1856 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
Campbell Dorcas 1841 Guyana
Campbell Dougald William 1825 Brazil Bahia SCOTTISH WILLS
Campbell Ellen c1870 Guyana Berbice Enquiry
Campbell Ellen 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires YELLOW FEVER 1871
Campbell Frances 1841 Guyana
campbell Frances Dawson 1923 Chile Coquimbo NATURALIZATION LETTER
Campbell George 1859 Paraguay unknown British in Paraguay
Campbell Grace Brown 1930 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
CAMPBELL H. T. B. 1914 Argentina
Campbell Helen 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
CAMPBELL Henry Ambrose P 1816 Brazil Pará MISCELLENEOUS BMD
Campbell Hon. C A c1880 Chile Unknown RAILWAY HISTORY
Campbell J 1857 Brazil Para Para Cemetery
Campbell J 1924 Peru Lima Peruvian Monthly
CAMPBELL J. 1914 Argentina
CAMPBELL James 1905 Brazil Para Para Cemetery
CAMPBELL James 1841 Brazil Para Para Cemetery
Campbell James 1858 Brazil Para Para Cemetery
CAMPBELL James 1832 Brazil Para Para Cemetery
Campbell James 1889 Chile Magallanes MATEO MARTINIC
Campbell James 1832 Argentina Buenos Aires List of subscribers
Campbell James 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
CAMPBELL James Archibald 1905 Brazil Para Para Cemetery
Campbell James Archibald 1869 Brazil Para Para Cemetery
Campbell James Arthur
Guyana Georgetown Enquiry
Campbell Jemima 1834 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Campbell Jessie Graham 1881 S.America Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Campbell John 1873 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
Campbell John 1870 Argentina Belleville E-mail
Campbell John c1846 Guyana
Campbell John 1879 Chile Magallanes MATEO MARTINIC
Campbell John c1870 Argentina Buenos Aires E-mail
Campbell John 1832 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Campbell John 1901 Peru Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Campbell John c1849 Guyana
Campbell John Allan 1930 Guyana Georgetown
Campbell John Allen 1870 Guyana Georgetown
Campbell John Joseph 1891 Uruguay Salto BAPTISMAL RECORD
Campbell John Lacy 1891 Uruguay Salto BAPTISMAL RECORD
Campbell Juana 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Campbell Leonard 1940 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Campbell Margaret 1855 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
CAMPBELL Maria Theresia 1860 Surinam Paramaribo SURANIM GRAVES
Campbell Marion 1835 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Campbell Mary 1833 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
CAMPBELL Mary 1813 Brazil Rio de Janeiro MISCELLENEOUS BMD
Campbell Mary 1901 Peru Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Campbell Mary Ann 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires YELLOW FEVER 1871
Campbell P 1870 Argentina Isla Verde E-mail
Campbell P H 1968 Colombia Barranquilla E-mail
Campbell Philip H 1968 Colombia Barranquilla E-mail
Campbell Rev. John Allen 1870 Guyana Georgetown
Campbell Rob c1900 Guyana Unknown Enquiry
Campbell Robert 1874 Uruguay Fray Bentos BAPTISMAL RECORD
Campbell Robert 1874 Uruguay Fray Bentos BAPTISMAL RECORD
Campbell Robert 1896 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Campbell Robert M. 1872 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Campbell Roger 1916 Argentina Santa Cruz Enquiry
Campbell Roger c1890 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
CAMPBELL ROLAND 1914 Argentina
Campbell Stewart D 1820 Argentina Buenos Aires JAMES DODD
Campbell Susan 1832 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Campbell William 1911 Chile Punta Arenas MATEO MARTINIC
Campbell William 1901 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Campbell William 1885 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Campbell William 1920 Peru Morococha INST. of MINING ENG.
Campbell William 1852 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
Campbell William Alexander 1874 Brazil Pernambuco Consular Return
Campbell William Colin 1890 Guyana Georgetown
Campbell William Collow 1881 Chile Valparaiso SCOTTISH WILLS
Campbell William H 1846 Argentina

Campbell William H c1846 Guyana
Campbell William H c1849 Guyana
Campbell William Henry 1855 Chile Lima Enquiry
Campbell William Henry 1882 Guyana Massaruni Clergy Lists
CAMPBELL & Co Archibald 1832 Brazil Para Para Cemetery
Campbell & Co J D 1873 Chile Tarapaca THOMAS O BRIEN
Campbell Clark John c1890 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
CAMPBELL. Z A 1852 Brazil Rio de Janeiro PRO BRAZIL
Campion Arthur 1869 Argentina Partido de Julio BA Census Argentina
Campion John Thomas 1873 Peru Callao MEDICAL DIRECTORY
Campion John Thomas 1882 Peru Callao MEDICAL DIRECTORY
Campling Abraham 1892 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Campsie John 1880 S.America unknown Census USA 1880
Campsie Thomas 1880 Brazil unknown Census USA 1880
Cana Thomas 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
CANBOY BERNARDO 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Candler William 1830 Brazil Bahia LOUISE GUENTHER
Candlish John 1855 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Candy Margaret 1901 Argentina Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
CANE A. H. 1914 Argentina
Canham John 1876 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cann George William 1919 Chile Punta Arenas MATEO MARTINIC
Cann W. 1917 Argentina Springhill RED CROSS DONOR WW1
Cannan David 1864 Brazil Pernambuco Enquiry
Cannan David 1864 Brazil Pernambuco CENSUS UK 1901
Cannessa J 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
1824 Argentina Buenos Aires ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Canning Frederick Theodore 1831 Chile Valparaiso PCC WILLS
Canning James Gilzoan 1884 Guyana Demerara Foresters Directory
Canning John 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Canning Sir Samuel 1876 Chile Valparaiso ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Cannon Dr

Cannon Dr 1873 Chile Valparaiso family letters
Cannon Emily 1849 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Cannon Emily c1825 Argentina Buenos Aires Web-site
Cannon Frederick Theodore 1831 Chile Valparaiso PCC WILLS
Cannon Julia 1827 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Cannon Richard
Argentina Valparaiso Enquiry
Cannon Victor 1881 Uruguay Oriental Baunde CENSUS UK 1881
Cano Ramon 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
Canon George Arthur Barnett

Antofagasta Enquiry
Canon Jacob 1936 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Canvaths Marie 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Capdavila Carola 1866 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
Capel Heinrich 1864 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Capella Thomas S. 1910 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Capendale John Taylor 1873 Argentina Rosario Enquiry
CAPILE. Gimes 1852 Brazil Livramento PRO BRAZIL
Capmartin Gaetan 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
CAPPEL Benjamin 1866 Colombia Bogota BISHOPS MEMO
Cappelen E A c1880 Chile Unknown RAILWAY HISTORY
Capper Charles 1937 Chile Sts of Mag CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Capper Edward Peter 1830 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Cappus George 1872 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Capstick Tomas 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires Ships List-Norval
Caraux Alan F. 1932 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Carberry Francis 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carberry James 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carberry Mary 1809 Guyana Demarara Enquiry
Carberry Mary 1829 Guyana Demarara Enquiry
Carberry Mary 1809 Guyana Demarara Enquiry
Carbery Edward 1901 Guyana Georgetown CENSUS UK 1901
Carbett Henry 1881 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
CARBINK ANDRES 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
CARBINK ENRIQUE 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Chascomus Census
CARBINK MARIA 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
CARBINK SAMUEL 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
CARBINK WILLIAM 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Carbton Alex 1836 Brazil Rio de Janeiro RIO PETITION
Carden Lionel 1874 Chile Magallanes MATEO MARTINIC
Cardoss Edward 1901 Brazil Para CENSUS UK 1901
Care Jacob 1860 Brazil Pernambuco E-mail
Care Jacob 1860 Brazil Pernambuco E-mail
CAREN J. P. 1914 Argentina
carew Gillespie O'Dwyer c1930 Argentina Entre Rios Oxford School Record
Carey Amelia 1881 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Carey Carolina 1881 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Carey Caroline 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carey Francisco c1880 Chile Unknown RAILWAY HISTORY
Carey Fred 1881 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Carey Frederick 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carey J 1836 Brazil Rio de Janeiro RIO PETITION
Carey Lewis 1881 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Carey S. W. 1914 Argentina
Carey Thomas 1829 Guyana Demerara PCC ADMINISTRATION
Carey Thomas 1881 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Cari Eleanora 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
1875 Argentina Partido de 9 Julio BA Mulhalls Handbook
Carlisle J 1836 Brazil Rio de Janeiro RIO PETITION
Carlisle John 1834 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Carlisle John 1818 Argentina Buenos Aires JAMES DODD
Carlisle John 1832 Argentina Buenos Aires List of subscribers
Carlisle John c1850 Argentina Buenos Aires Memorial Inscription
Carlisle Mary 1901 Argentina Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carlisle R. and J 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carlisle Robert 1907 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Carlisle Will. T.C. 1881 Brazil Rio de Janeiro CENSUS UK 1881
Carlowis Ritchie 1861 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
Carlsen Rudolf Julius 1845 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Carlton William Adam Deans 1920 Chile Mafil INST. of MINING ENG.
1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhalls Handbook
Carlyle Stanley Robert 1903 Chile Unknown AUSTRALIANS W.WAR2
Carlyon T B 1880 Argentina Buenos Aires Hospital History
Carlyon Thomas Baxter 1882 Argentina Buenos Aires MEDICAL DIRECTORY
Carman J 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carman Samuel 1842 Guyana Demerara PCC ADMINISTRATION
Carmen James 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhalls Handbook
Carmer María 1827 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Carmichael Farquahar Campbell 1901 Chile Valparaiso SCOTTISH WILLS
Carmichael J 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carmichael John 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carmichael Neil 1916 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Carne E Clifton c1852 Argentina Buenos Aires Web-site
Carne Mabel 1901 Chile Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carnes Burrell 1805 Guyana Essequibo PCC WILLS
Carney James 1878 Guyana Berbice MEDICAL DIRECTORY
Carney James 1879 Guyana Berbice Enquiry
Carney Violet Mary 1909 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Memorial Inscription
Carnie William 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires Ships List - Margaret
Carniegan Mrs Jane 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires YELLOW FEVER 1871
Caro Alice M. 1881 Chile Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Caro Rachel 1881 Chile Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Caro Victor S. 1881 Chile Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Carol Isabella 1901 Argentina Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carolan Rev.Thomas 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Caroll Thomas 1869 Argentina Partido de Las Flores Census Argentina
1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carpendale John T. 1881 Argentina Cordova CENSUS UK 1881
Carpendale Sarah A. 1881 Argentina Buenos Aires CENSUS UK 1881
Carpenter Anna Conyngham 1888 Argentina Rosario Public Record Office
Carpenter Isidro 1955 Chile Talcahuano Enquiry
Carpenter Isidro 1871 Chile Talcahuano Enquiry
Carpenter Isidro 1891 Chile Talcahuano Enquiry
Carpenter James 1894 Chile Unknown Enquiry
Carpenter James 1895 Chile Unknown MATEO MARTINIC
Carpenter John 1840 Chile Talcahuano Enquiry
Carpenter John c1860 Chile Unknown Enquiry
Carpenter Mr. J. 1917 Argentina unknown RED CROSS DONOR WW1
Carpenter Robert Lofters 1888 Argentina Rosario Public Record Office
Carpenter Thomas 1888 Argentina Rosario Public Record Office
Carr Alice 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carr Emily 1901 Argentina Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carr Georg F. 1880 Brazil unknown Census USA 1880
Carr George 1891 Argentina Rosario AUSTRALIANS W.WAR2
Carr Hubert 1920 Argentina Santa Cruz Magellan Times
Carr Jessie Elizabeth c1885 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Carr John A. 1880 Brazil unknown Census USA 1880
Carr Mansel F 1904 Panama Santa Martha Whitakers Almanac
Carr Mrs 1891 Brazil Rio de Janeiro BRADFORD EMIGRATION
Carr William 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Carr William 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires Ships List-Norval
Carr William 1820 Guyana Demerara PCC ADMINISTRATION
Carr William 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Carr William A. 1880 Brazil unknown Census USA 1880
Carr Rollit Harold c1890 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
Carranza Rosaria 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
Carrasco-Owen Raul 1945 Chile Antofagasta mining1945
Carrey Catherine Patricia 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
Carrick Percy William c1930 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Carrick R M Countess of 1924 Peru Lima Peruvian Monthly
Carrie Ana 1901 Chile Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carrie Anita 1901 Argentina Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carrie Julio 1901 Argentina Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carrie Winifred 1901 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carrier G.S. 1923 Chile Antofagasta CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
CARRINGTHON ANITA 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
CARRINGTHON CATALINA 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
CARRINGTHON MARIA 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
Chascomus Census
CARRINGTHON SANTIAGO 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
CARRINGTHON TOMAS 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
Carrington Joseph 1924 Chile Santiago Enquiry
Carrington Joseph 1926 Chile Santiago CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Carrington Joyce Mary 1924 Chile Santiago Enquiry
Carrington Margaret Jean 1932 Chile Santiago Enquiry
Carrion Simon 1903 Peru Piura Kelly Directory
Carrol Charles Morgan 1825 Chile Island of Conorphon PCC ADMINISTRATION
Carroll Henry 1873 Brazil Pernambuco BURIAL REGISTER
Carroll Henry 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
CARROLL J. 1914 Argentina
Carroll Michael 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carroll William 1825 Guyana Demerara PCC ADMINISTRATION
CARROLL . John 1852 Brazil Pernambuco PRO BRAZIL
Carron Martin Black 1868 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
Carron Patrick C. E 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
CARROTT N. K. 1914 Argentina
Carrulla Francisco 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carruthers Albert 1901 Chile Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carruthers Albert E. 1881 S.America Chilehota CENSUS UK 1881
carruthers Colin Landers c1930 Brazil Sao Paulo Oxford School Record
Carruthers Enrique F. 1881 S.America Canizal CENSUS UK 1881
Carruthers Isaac 1881 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Carruthers James 1881 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Carruthers John 1855 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
Carry Darby 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carry James 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carry John 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carry William 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carse James 1844 Guyana Demerara SCOTTISH WILLS
1873 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Railway Survey
Carson Caroline 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carson Robert P. 1881 Brazil Rio de Janeiro CENSUS UK 1881
CARSTAIRS J. L. 1914 Argentina
carte Allen Thomas Forde 1913 Chile Valparaiso NATURALIZATION LETTER
Cartell James 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
1876 Argentina Cordoba province Old Cordoba Map
CARTER A. E. 1914 Argentina
Carter Albert 1864 Chile Coquimbo Journal
Carter Ann A. 1880 S.America unknown Census USA 1880
Carter Annettia 1901 Peru Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carter David M. 1880 S.America unknown Census USA 1880
CARTER DIEGO 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Carter Franklin 1910 Peru Lima Consul Record
Carter Henry J. 1881 Peru Callao CENSUS UK 1881
CARTER J. 1914 Argentina
CARTER J. W. A. 1914 Argentina
Carter James 1824 S.America Unknown PCC WILLS
Carter James 1890 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Carter John 1806 Argentina Buenos Aires JAMES DODD
CARTER JOSE 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Carter Mary 1901 Chile Santiago CENSUS UK 1901
Carter Thomas 1810 Argentina Buenos Aires LA GACETA
Carter unknown 1876 Argentina Cordoba FRAILE MUERTO
Carter Walter 1866 Chile Coquimbo Journal
Carter Wm 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires Ships List-Norval
carter? Allen Thomas Forde 1913 Chile Valparaiso NATURALIZATION LETTER
Carthen Alice 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carthero(?) Blanche Mary 1875 Uruguay Concordia BAPTISMAL RECORD
Carthero(?) Ewart 1875 Uruguay Concordia BAPTISMAL RECORD
CARTHEW Alice 1879 Brazil Morro Velho PRO MorroVelho
Carthew Charles 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Carthew Ewart 1878 Uruguay Concordia BAPTISMAL RECORD
CARTHEW Ewart 1879 Brazil Morro Velho PRO MorroVelho
Carthew Marden 1878 Uruguay Concordia BAPTISMAL RECORD
CARTHEW Watson Ewart 1879 Brazil Morro Velho PRO MorroVelho
Carthy J 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carthy James 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Carthy John 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Cartter Jorge 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires Ships List-Norval
Cartwright Alfred 1904 Ecuador Guayaquil Whitakers Almanac
CARTWRIGHT Frederick William 1881 Brazil Port Alegre CONSUL REC. PORT ALEGRO
Cartwright John 1901 Ecuador Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Cartwright John 1880 Brazil unknown Census USA 1880
Carty Margaret 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires YELLOW FEVER 1871
Caruthers R 1836 Brazil Rio de Janeiro RIO PETITION
Carvalho Anthony 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Casati Fidela 1846 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Casella Ann 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Casey Anita 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
Casey Bartholomew 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Casey Bryan 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
CASEY CATALINA 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Casey Darby 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Casey Edward 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Casey Edward 1901 Argentina Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
CASEY ELISA 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
CASEY EUGENIO 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Casey Gilbert 1893 Paraguay Cosme AUSTRALIAN COLONY
Casey James 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Casey James 1878 Brazil Pernambuco BURIAL REGISTER
Casey James 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires YELLOW FEVER 1871
Casey John 1893 Paraguay Cosme AUSTRALIAN COLONY
Casey John 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Casey John 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Casey Laurence 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Casey Martin 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Casey Mary 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Casey Mathew 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Casey Michael 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Casey Mrs. Thomas 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
CASEY PATRICIO 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Casey Patrick 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Casey Patrick 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
CASEY SANTIAGO 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Casey Thomas 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Casey William 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
c1830 Uruguay
c1825 Uruguay Rio Negro ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Cash Daniel 1837 Uruguay unknown URUGUAY EARLY SETTLERS
CASH. H H 1853 Brazil Rio de Janeiro PRO BRAZIL
Cashman William 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires YELLOW FEVER 1871
Caskey John 1826 Argentina Buenos Aires Public Record Office
Caslin John 1880 S.America unknown Census USA 1880
Cass Martha 1881 Chile Valparaiso CENSUS UK 1881
Cass Richard G. 1881 Peru Callao CENSUS UK 1881
Cassell Ruth C 1948 Paraguay Primavera MEDICAL DIRECTORY
Cassels Elvina 1901 Uruguay Montevideo CENSUS UK 1901
Cassidy Luke 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Castell Henry T S 1882 Guyana Demerara Clergy Lists
c1870 Chile Tiliviche MONUMENT INSC CHILE
Castells Charles 1901 Argentina Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
CASTIN AMAS 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Castle Charles B. 1880 Chile unknown Census USA 1880
Castles Lloyd George 1920 Argentina Chivolcoy AUSTRALIANS W.WAR2
Castles Roden James 1916 Argentina Mercedes AUSTRALIANS W.WAR2
Castor Christian Francis 1878 Guyana Demerara ABERDEEN ALUMNI
Castro Tila 1926 Chile Unknown E-mail
Catania Anthony 1940 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Cater Mrs. 1917 Argentina unknown RED CROSS DONOR WW1
Cathcart Agnes 1850 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Cathcart Elizabeth 1851 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
Cathcart Ellen 1865 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
Cathcart James 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires SHIPS LIST - SYMMETRY
Cathcart James 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
cathcart William Murphy 1864 Peru Callao Clergy Lists
Cathcart? William 1869 Argentina Partido de Julio BA Census Argentina
Cather William S 1850 Guyana

Cathrey Johanna 1821 Guyana Unknown PCC WILLS
Cathrey Thomas 1821 Guyana Unknown PCC WILLS
CATOR S. F. 1914 Argentina
Cattanach James 1888 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Cattermole Ed J 1877 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Ships list
Cattle William 1895 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
Catty Frederick 1901 Argentina Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Catty Frederick 1900 S.America Unknown Enquiry
Catty Mary Barbara 1888 Argentina Buenos Aires Newspaper Obituary
Caulder James 1864 Argentina Rosario Parliamentary paper
Caulder William 1860 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Caulfield W T c1880 Chile Unknown RAILWAY HISTORY
Caulkett W. A. 1914 Argentina
Caumartin Leon 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
CAUNTER Blanche 1879 Brazil Morro Velho PRO MorroVelho
Caunter Frederick R. J. 1929 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Caury James 1910 Peru Lima Consul Record
1903 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Kelly Directory
Causer Daniel 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Cavanagh Bridget 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Cavanagh Eliza 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Cavanagh Julia 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Cavanagh Mary 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Cavanagh Thomas 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Cavaner T 1891 Brazil unknown BRADFORD EMIGRATION
Cave Arthur Bruce 1860 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cave Caroline Eliza 1885 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
cavendish Capt. Henry Angelo 1875 Paraguay Asuncion ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Cay Thomas 1871 Argentina Rosario SCOTTISH WILLS
Cay Thomas 1868 Argentina Rosario FRAILE MUERTO
CAYNE BERNARDO 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
CAYNE MARIA 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Cazes David 1910 Peru Iquitos Consul Record
Cazes David 1904 Peru Iquitos Whitakers Almanac
Cazes David 1910 Peru Iquitos AMAZON JOURNEY
Cazes David 1909 Peru Iquitos Consul Record
Cazes David c1900 Peru Iquitos Enquiry
Cecil James 1859 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cerqueira Lima Maria 1895 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cesario Joseph 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Chabry Estaban 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Chabry Estevan 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Chabry Madame 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
CHADWICK C. N. 1914 Argentina
Chadwick Ethel 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Chadwick George c1880 Brazil unknown
Chadwick George 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Chadwick George B. 1881 Brazil Pernambuco CENSUS UK 1881
Chadwick George Burt 1879 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Chafle Luis 1895 Argentina Patagones Census Argentina
Chafle Maria Burnett 1895 Argentina Patagones Census Argentina
Chainey Mitchell 1905 Argentina Buenos Aires AUSTRALIANS W.WAR2
Chakerton Henry 1901 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Chalkley Margaret 1854 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
Chalkling Elizabeth 1854 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Chalkling William c1820 Uruguay unknown Enquiry
Chalkling William 1812 Uruguay unknown URUGUAY EARLY SETTLERS
1919 Chile Punta Arenas MATEO MARTINIC
CHALLEN J. S. 1914 Argentina
Challen Orlanda Mary 1919 Chile Punta Arenas MATEO MARTINIC
Challen Roland John 1919 Chile Punta Arenas MATEO MARTINIC
Challen Terence Leslie 1919 Chile Punta Arenas MATEO MARTINIC
Challenger George William 1867 Uruguay Montevideo Enquiry
Challenger William George 1870 Uruguay Montevideo Enquiry
Chalmers Alexander George North 1945 Brazil Morro Velho mining1945
Chalmers Andrew Eddie 1856 Uruguay Montevideo SCOTTISH WILLS
Chalmers Andrew Edward 1828 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Chalmers George 1920 Brazil Morro Velho INST. of MINING ENG.
Chalmers James 1882 Peru Iquique SCOTTISH WILLS
Chalmers John 1869 Argentina Partido de Las Flores Census Argentina
Chalmers Lucy E 1878 Brazil unknown Enquiry
1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Chamberlain D. C. 1917 Argentina Río Gallegos RED CROSS DONOR WW1
Chamberlain E. 1917 Argentina Estancia Condor RED CROSS DONOR WW1
Chamberlain George W 1902 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Chamberlain H 1815 Brazil Rio de Janeiro International BMD
Chamberlain H 1824 Brazil Rio de Janeiro GENTLEMANS MAGAZIUNE
Chamberlain Henry 1815 Brazil Rio de Janeiro E-mail
Chamberlain Herbert 1902 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Chamberlain Mrs 1822 Brazil Rio de Janeiro GENTLEMANS MAGAZIUNE
Chamberlain Sir Henry 1845 Brazil Rio de Janeiro GENTLEMANS MAGAZIUNE
Chamberlayne Col. 1817 S.America unknown GENTLEMANS MAGAZIUNE
Chambers Edward 1816 Brazil Rio de Janeiro 1816 merchant
CHAMBERS Edward 1814 Brazil Rio de Janeiro MISCELLENEOUS BMD
Chambers Emily 1901 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Chambers G 1866 Ecuador Guayaquil Journal
Chambers G 1881 Ecuador Guayaquil Whitakers Almanac
Chambers George 1901 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Chambers Henry 1840 Guyana Georgetown PCC WILLS
Chambers John 1825 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Public Record Office
Chambers Mr 1885 Ecuador Guayaquil E-mail
Chascomus Census
Chambers Richard 1840 Guyana Georgetown PCC WILLS
Chascomus Census
Chamier Edward 1947 Brazil Santos Enquiry
1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Champion H. 1917 Argentina Estancia Condor RED CROSS DONOR WW1
Champion J 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Champion Mrs. A. 1917 Argentina Estancia Condor RED CROSS DONOR WW1
1879 Brazil unknown Engineering Journal
c1870 S.America unknown One Name Study
1900 Argentina Buenos Aires
Chandler Alfred 1911 Brazil unknown Enquiry
Chandler John 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires Medical Report
Chandler Mrs 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires Medical Report
Channing Edward 1893 Paraguay Cosme AUSTRALIAN COLONY
c1850 Chile Iquique MONUMENT INSC CHILE
Chanter Edith Mary 1882 S.America
Chapereau James 1809 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Consular Return
Chaplin Charles Alfred 1881 Uruguay Paysandu BAPTISMAL RECORD
Chaplin John 1881 Uruguay Paysandu BAPTISMAL RECORD
Chaplin John 1903 Uruguay Paysandu Whitakers Almanac
Chaplin Valentín 1810 Argentina Buenos Aires LA GACETA
Chaplin Valentine 1809 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Consular Return
Chaplin W B 1903 Brazil Desterro Kelly Directory
Chaplin W B 1904 Brazil St.Cathrines Whitakers Almanac
Chaplin William c1900 Brazil unknown Enquiry
Chaplin William Bertram 1900 Brazil Rio Grande do Sul Consul Record
Chapman Alfred 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Chapman Arthur 1881 Chile Valparaiso Whitakers Almanac
Chapman Arthur 1903 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Kelly Directory
Chapman Arthur 1904 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Whitakers Almanac
Chapman Charles Higford 1910 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Chapman Charles Higford 1909 Argentina Puerto Madryn Enquiry
Chapman Daniel 1849 Argentina Buenos Aires Letter of loyalty
Chapman Daniel 1820 Argentina Buenos Aires ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Chapman Daniel 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Chapman Edith 1881 Uruguay Montevideo CENSUS UK 1881
Chapman Harriet 1881 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Chapman Jacob 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Chapman Jacob 1820 Argentina Buenos Aires ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Chapman Robert 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Chapman S. c1890 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
Chapman Sam 1813 Argentina Buenos Aires JAMES DODD
Chapman Samuel 1849 Argentina Buenos Aires GENTLEMANS MAGAZIUNE
Chapman Samuel 1849 Argentina Buenos Aires Letter of loyalty
Chapman Thomas 1880 Peru
Chapman Thomas 1874 Uruguay Montevideo SCOTTISH WILLS
Chapman Thomas c1880 Peru unknown Enquiry
CHAPMAN W. A. 1914 Argentina
CHAPPELL E. F. 1914 Argentina
Chappell Margaret 1957 Argentina
Chard George 1917 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Chari Thomas 1895 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
Chari? Bridget 1895 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
Charles George Drummond 1872 S.America Louisville SCOTTISH WILLS
Charles Henry c1860 Paraguay unknown British in Paraguay
Charles Henry 1939 Chile Santiago CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Charles John 1864 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Charles Leonard 1864 Paraguay unknown British in Paraguay
CHARLES Richard 1895 Brazil Port Alegre CONSUL REC. PORT ALEGRO
Charles Richard A 1930 Chile Santiago CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Charles Richard H. 1924 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Charles Stuart B 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires YELLOW FEVER 1871
Charles William 1901 Chile Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Charlesworth Gerald E c1916 Chile Lima E-mail
Charlesworth H. J. L. 1939 Chile Harmony CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Charlesworth Harold Jesse Lowe c1900 Chile Vina del Mar Enquiry
Charlesworth Harold Jesse Lowe 1946 Chile Vina del Mar E-mail
Charlesworth Malcolm A c1916 Chile Santiago E-mail
Charlesworth Ronald J c1916 Chile Lima E-mail
Charlton George 1855 Brazil Rio de Janeiro PCC ADMINISTRATION
Charron/Schory Philomene 1876 Brazil Santos Enquiry
Charters Robert 1846 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Charters William 1861 Paraguay unknown British in Paraguay
Chartres Mary Ann 1869 Paraguay Unknown PARAGUAY WAR 1869
Chartres Walter Leslie 1903 S.America Villetta AUSTRALIANS W.WAR2
Chartres William 1869 Paraguay Unknown PARAGUAY WAR 1869
Chask John 1855 Paraguay unknown British in Paraguay
Chaske Tomas 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires Ships List-Norval
Chattin Henry Robert 1914 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Chattin Henry Robert 1926 Chile Santiago CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Chatton Eliza 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Chaves Theresa 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
Cheery Albert 1915 Venezuela Caracas Newspaper Report
Cheesman William 1901 Argentina Buenos Aires CENSUS UK 1901
Cheetman & Co Schwind 1836 Brazil Rio de Janeiro RIO PETITION
Chegwin Mary 1881 Colombia New Granada CENSUS UK 1881
Chegwin Mary & John 1890 Colombia Puerto Colombia Enquiry
1903 Chile Coquimbo Kelly Directory
Chellew A. 1963 Chile Estrella&Firmeza CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Chellew Alfred Bath 1862 Chile Chanaral E-mail
Chellew Alfred Bath 1933 Chile Antofagasta E-mail
Chellew Alfred Bath 1894 Chile Raltal E-mail
Chellew Alfred Bath 1862 Chile Chanaral E-mail
Chellew Alice 1864 Chile Chanaral E-mail
Chellew Alice 1949 Chile Antofagasta E-mail
Chellew Carlos Eduardo 1895 Chile Iquique E-mail
Chellew Carlos Eduardo c1920 Chile Valparaiso E-mail
Chellew Edward c1890 Chile La Serena? E-mail
Chellew Edward John 1866 Chile Coquimbo E-mail
Chellew Edward John 1912 Chile Coquimbo E-mail
Chellew Emily Gore 1882 Chile Coquimbo Enquiry
Chellew Emily Gore 1882 Chile Coquimbo Certificate
Chellew Estela Alice c1930 Chile Unknown E-mail
Chellew Estela Alicia 1907 Chile La Serena E-mail
Chellew Hector Samuel 1901 Chile La Serena E-mail
Chellew Hector Samuel 1926 Chile Unknown E-mail
Chellew Henry 1859 Chile Caldera E-mail
Chellew Henry 1875 Chile Coquimbo E-mail
Chellew John Josiah Butress c1858 Chile Guayacan E-mail
Chellew John Josiah Buttress 1886 Chile Chanaral E-mail
Chellew Jorge Alberto 1891 Chile La Serena E-mail
Chellew Jorge Alberto c1915 Chile Unknown E-mail
Chellew Joseph Edward 1923 Chile Valparaiso E-mail
Chellew Lidia 1909 Chile La Serena E-mail
Chellew Lidia c1930 Chile Unknown E-mail
Chellew Ludio Gustavo c1930 Chile Unknown E-mail
Chellew Ludio Gustavo 1905 Chile La Serena E-mail
Chellew Mary 1909 Chile Coquimbo E-mail
Chellew Mary Bath 1860 Chile Guayacan E-mail
Chellew Mary Bath c1880 Chile Unknown E-mail
Chellew May 1868 Chile Coquimbo E-mail
Chellew Norman Guillermo 1926 Chile Unknown E-mail
Chellew Norman Guillermo 1893 Chile Coquimbo E-mail
Chellew Phillipa 1878 Chile Coquimbo Certificate
Chellew Phillipa 1905 Chile Coquimbo E-mail
Chellew Richard 1871 Chile Coquimbo Certificate
Chellew Richard 1882 Chile Coquimbo Certificate
Chellew Richard James 1916 Chile Coquimbo Certificate
Chellew Richard James 1891 Chile Coquimbo Certificate
Chellew Richard James 1858 Chile Coquimbo Certificate
Chellew Sophia Ann 1873 Chile Coquimbo Certificate
Chellew William Reynolds 1858 Chile Valparaiso E-mail
Chellew William Reynolds 1858 Chile Valparaiso E-mail
Chellew William Reynolds 1899 Chile Coquimbo E-mail
Chellew Jr. Alfred 1956 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Chenaud Charles 1863 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Chendy Armand Theodore 1896 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Chendy Leon de 1902 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cheney Ethel 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Cherry John 1859 Paraguay unknown British in Paraguay
Cherry William 1846 Guyana Demerara PCC ADMINISTRATION
Cheseborough Juan 1903 Chile Santiago Kelly Directory
Chesnef Carlos de 1903 Chile Valparaiso NATURALIZATION LETTER
Chessell William 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires SHIPS LIST - SYMMETRY
Chester Edward Thomas 1880 Chile Valparaiso Enquiry
Chester Elizabeth 1871 Chile Valparaiso Enquiry
Chesterman Job 1860 Argentina Buenos Aires Memorial Inscription
Chetwood Aiken Mrs. 1917 Argentina unknown RED CROSS DONOR WW1
Chetwood-Aiken H. C. 1917 Argentina Río Gallegos RED CROSS DONOR WW1
Cheusses Elizabeth Sarah Henry de 1791 Surinam Unknown Enquiry
CHEYNE Xaviera Amelia 1860 Colombia Bogota BISHOPS MEMO
CHICKLEY J. M. 1914 Argentina
Child Blanche Marjorie Algorta c1900 Chile
Child Gerald 1901 Chile Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Child J 1903 Chile Valparaiso Kelly Directory
Child John 1901 Chile Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Child John Kirk 1885 Bolivia Coroco Enquiry
Child John Kirk 1885 Bolivia Corocoro Journal
Child Maria 1901 Peru Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Child Mary 1901 Bolivia Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Childs Hugh C. 1881 Argentina Buenos Aires CENSUS UK 1881
Childs James M. 1881 Argentina Buenos Aires CENSUS UK 1881
Childs Jane M. 1881 Argentina Buenos Aires CENSUS UK 1881
Chindler Jose 1932 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Chine John 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires YELLOW FEVER 1871
1903 Chile La Serena Kelly Directory
Chirrager Dore Mary 1910 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
c1870 Argentina unknown Enquiry
Chisholm Colin 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Chisholm George 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Chisholm George 1833 Brazil Marinham PCC ADMINISTRATION
Chisholm Mary Jane 1891 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Chisholm William Andrew 1910 Argentina
Chisholm William Andrew 1910 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Chisholme Francis Scott 1893 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Chisholme Francis Scott 1896 Argentina Buenos Aires SCOTTISH WILLS
Chisnall Peter 1832 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
CHISWELL F. A. 1914 Argentina
CHITHAM C. M. 1914 Argentina
Chitnell Ann W. 1881 S.America Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Chitnell George W. 1881 S.America Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Chitty Eliza c1880 Argentina Buenos Aires Memorial Inscription
Chlepman Jacob 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Choyce James 1797 Peru
Choyce James 1750 Peru
One Name Study
Chrichton James 1869 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Chrichton James 1873 Chile Harmony CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Chris Julian 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
Christian E 1867 Guyana Berbice Clergy Lists
Christian John 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires SHIPS LIST - SYMMETRY
Christiani Henry 1901 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Christiansen Christian 1919 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Christiansen Olaf Z. 1923 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Christie Anabelle Lawrence 1889 Brazil Sao Paulo Public Record Office
Christie Archibald Bryburgh 1920 Chile Valparaiso NATURALIZATION LETTER
Christie David 1889 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Christie Elenor 1863 Guyana Georgetown Enquiry
Christie Elenor 1863 Guyana Georgetown SCOTTISH WILLS
Christie J. H. 1881 Chile Harmony CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Christie James 1868 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Christie James 1865 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Christie W. 1914 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Christie William Lindsay 1889 Brazil Sao Paulo Public Record Office
Christopher A 1840 Argentina Pernambuco Colonial Magazine
Christopher W 1882 Guyana Demerara Clergy Lists
Chubb Ford Rev J 1861 Argentina Buenos Aires Hospital History
Chubb Ford Rev J 1856 Argentina Buenos Aires Hospital History
Church James 1827 Guyana Berbice PCC ADMINISTRATION
Church James 1901 Argentina Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
CHURCHILL C. J. 1914 Argentina
Churchill Finlay Malcolm 1894 Brazil
Churchill George 1893 Paraguay Cosme AUSTRALIAN COLONY
Churchill H. 1914 Argentina
Churchill James May 1894 Brazil
Churchill Randolph c1880 Chile Unknown THOMAS O BRIEN
Churchill W A 1904 Brazil Para Whitakers Almanac
Churchill William A 1903 Brazil Para Kelly Directory
CHURCHILL William George 1891 Brazil Sao Paulo MISCELLENEOUS BMD
CHURCHMAN D. J. 1914 Argentina
Cia Mr 1816 Brazil Rio de Janeiro 1816 merchant
Cia Mr 1816 Brazil Rio de Janeiro 1816 merchant
Ciancio J. 1917 Argentina Río Gallegos RED CROSS DONOR WW1
Cibils F 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Cires Micheal 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
Cirisola Rosa c1840 Argentina Buenos Aires E-mail
CIRPO? PEDRO 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Clakson Ronald T P 1899 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Clampitt Frances Ellen 1921 Peru Lima Enquiry
Clancy John 1827 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Enquiry
Clancy Nicholas 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Clancy Nicholas 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
CLANCY W. J. 1914 Argentina
Clapham Samuel Smith 1823 New Provid Colombian service PCC ADMINISTRATION
Clarice John 1874 Uruguay Fray Bentos BAPTISMAL RECORD
Clarice Williatt 1874 Uruguay Fray Bentos BAPTISMAL RECORD
Claridge B. 1917 Argentina Estancia Condor RED CROSS DONOR WW1
c1880 Chile Unknown THOMAS O BRIEN
1903 Brazil Bahia Kelly Directory
c1880 Chile Unknown RAILWAY HISTORY
1870 Uruguay Arapey Stn. ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
1903 Brazil Para Kelly Directory
1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
1903 Brazil Sao Paulo Kelly Directory
1903 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Kelly Directory
1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhalls Handbook
Clark Ada L. 1881 Guyana Demerara CENSUS UK 1881
Clark Alfred 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Clark Anna Maria 1870 Argentina Buenos Aires E-mail
Clark Augustus 1903 Brazil Pernambuco Kelly Directory
Clark Caroline L. 1881 Guyana Demerara CENSUS UK 1881
Clark Charles 1859 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Clark Charles C. 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Clark D. V. 1917 Argentina Río Gallegos RED CROSS DONOR WW1
Clark Donald S. 1881 Guyana Demerara CENSUS UK 1881
Clark Donna Clara 1932 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Clark E. W. 1908 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Clark Emilio 1903 Peru Piura Kelly Directory
Clark Frederick 1893 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
CLARK GUILLERMO 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Clark Helena L. 1881 Ecuador Guayaquil CENSUS UK 1881
Clark Helena Luisa 1844 Ecuador Guayas Enquiry
CLARK J 1877 Chile Caldera Memorial Insc.Chile
Clark J 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Clark James 1888 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
CLARK James 1856 Brazil Bahia Consular Records - Bahia
Clark James 1820 Chile Valparaiso ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Clark James Turnbull 1913 Chile Valparaiso NATURALIZATION LETTER
Clark John 1832 Argentina Buenos Aires List of subscribers
Clark John 1811 Guyana Demerara SCOTTISH WILLS
Clark John 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires SHIPS LIST - SYMMETRY
Clark John 1835 Chile Valparaiso ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
CLARK John 1844 Brazil Maranham MISCELLENEOUS BMD
Clark John & Mathew 1870 Chile Santa Rosa ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Clark John & Mathew 1870 Argentina Mendoza ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Clark Joseph 1860 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Clark Maria Louisa c1860 Argentina Buenos Aires
Clark Maria Louisa c1860 Argentina Buenos Aires
Clark Mary 1901 Peru Lima CENSUS UK 1901
Clark Mary Ann 1889 Chile Valparaiso Public Record Office
Clark Mary Taylor 1884 Argentina Chacarite Memorial Inscription
Clark Mathew 1835 Chile Valparaiso ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Clark Michael 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Clark Milbourne c1880 Chile Unknown THOMAS O BRIEN
Clark Milbourne c1860 Peru unknown E-mail
Clark Milbourne 1860's Peru Iquique Enquiry
Clark Mr 1874 Brazil unknown ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Clark Mr 1850 Chile Valparaiso ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
Clark Mrs.Dona Clara 1811 Argentina Buenos Aires ENGLISH IN S.AMERICA
CLARK PATRICIO 1869 Argentina
Chascomus Census
Clark Robert Charles Graham 1926 Chile Santiago CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
CLARK Theodore 1894 Brazil Port Alegre CONSUL REC. PORT ALEGRO
Clark Theodore and Augustus 1894 Brazil Porto Alegro Enquiry
Clark Turnbull 1832 Argentina Buenos Aires List of subscribers
Clark Turnbull 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires SHIPS LIST - SYMMETRY
CLARK W. G. 1914 Argentina
Clark William 1881 Guyana Demerara CENSUS UK 1881
Clark William 1808 Mexico Santa Augo Bay Syney Gazette
Clark William c1890 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
Clark William 1901 Guyana Demerara CENSUS UK 1901
Clark & Co
1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhalls Handbook
Clark & Co Juan E 1903 Chile Valparaiso Kelly Directory
Clarke Anna 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
Clarke Arthur 1901 Chile Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Clarke C Noel 1903 Chile Iquique Kelly Directory
Clarke C. V. 1914 Argentina
Clarke Cecil L c1900 Guyana Georgetown Enquiry
Clarke Charles N 1904 Chile Iquique Whitakers Almanac
Clarke Edward 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Clarke Edwin 1836 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Clarke Francis 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Clarke G 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
CLARKE G. R. G. 1914 Argentina
Clarke George 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Clarke George J 1903 Chile Pisagua Kelly Directory
Clarke George Stanley 1911 Chile Punta Arenas MATEO MARTINIC
CLARKE H. P. 1914 Argentina
CLARKE J. 1914 Argentina
CLARKE J. 1914 Argentina
CLARKE J. B. 1914 Argentina
Clarke John 1839 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Clarke Maria Louisa 1862 Argentina Buenos Aires CONSUL RECORD BA
Clarke Maria Louisa 1862 Argentina
Clarke Micheal 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
Clarke Miss 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires Medical Report
Clarke N. F. 1909 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Clarke Noel M 1903 Chile Pisagua Kelly Directory
Clarke Robert R. 1961 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Clarke Rupert c1890 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
CLARKE T. H. 1914 Argentina
Clarke W. 1871 Peru Callao BRITISH IN PERU
Clarke William 1860 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Clarke & Co F G 1903 Chile Iquique Kelly Directory
Clarkson Alfred James Price 1890 Brazil Pernambuco Journal
Clarkson Josephine 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Clasen Alicia Johan c1930 Argentina Chubut Enquiry
Clasen Frederick c1890 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
Clasen Rupert c1890 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
Clasen Victor c1890 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
Class Percy E. 1922 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
CLATWORTHY F. 1914 Argentina
Claude Robert A. 1873 Chile Harmony CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Claude Robert Adolph 1857 Chile Bethesda CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
CLAUSEN. Caroline H c1852 Brazil Pernambuco PRO BRAZIL
Claussen E 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Claussen H. A 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Claussen J F 1893 Paraguay Cosme AUSTRALIAN COLONY
Clavan James 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
Clavan Simon 1869 Argentina San Miguel del Monte Census Argentina
Clavin David 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Clavin James 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Clavin John 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Clavin Joseph 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Clavin Nicholas 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Clavin Thomas 1844 Argentina Buenos Aires Shpis list-William Peele
Claxton Emily 1901 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
CLAXTON Mary 1836 Venezuela Caracas MISCELLENEOUS BMD
1876 Argentina Cordoba province Old Cordoba Map
Clay R A 1903 Peru Lima Kelly Directory
Clay Robert A 1904 Peru Lima Whitakers Almanac
Clay unknown 1876 Argentina Bell Ville FRAILE MUERTO
1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhalls Handbook
Claypole John 1792 Guyana Demarara Enquiry
Claypole Peter 1833 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Claypole William 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Claypole William 1871 Argentina Buenos Aires YELLOW FEVER 1871
c1850 Chile Iquique MONUMENT INSC CHILE
c1870 Chile Pisagua MONUMENT INSC CHILE
c1870 Chile Tiliviche MONUMENT INSC CHILE

CLAYTON G. J. 1914 Argentina
Clayton Henry 1872 Chile Harmony CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Clayton William H. 1929 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Clayton William J. 1905 Chile Iquique CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Clear Charles W 1882 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cleary William 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Cleary William c1860 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Cleaver James 1834 S.America Caraccas PCC ADMINISTRATION
Clegg Anita 1892 Chile Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Clegg Anita Josephine Maria 1892 Chile Santiago Enquiry
CLEGG Harriet 1872 Peru Callao BISHOPS MEMO
Clegg John 1842 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Gentlemans Magazine
Clegg Marcus Thomas 1888 Chile Santiago Enquiry
Clegg Mark 1890 Chile Santiago Enquiry
Clegg Mercedes 1890 Chile Santiago Enquiry
Clegg R 1836 Brazil Rio de Janeiro RIO PETITION
CLEGG Jr John 1852 Brazil Rio de Janeiro PRO BRAZIL
Cleland James 1884 Argentina Buenos Aires SCOTTISH WILLS
Clelland Eva 1905 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Clelland R. 1875 Chile Valparaiso CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Clemence Herbert 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Clemens William 1911 Chile Punta Arenas MATEO MARTINIC
Clement Charlotte 1871 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Clement James 1901 Brazil Pernambuco CENSUS UK 1901
Clement James Cayford 1881 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Clement James G 1869 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Clement James G 1869 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Clement James Gayfor 1869 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Clement Thomas B 1872 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Clement Thomas Branson 1879 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Clements Harry M.. 1881 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Clements Henry C 1933 Argentina Buenos Aires Press report
Clements Henry P 1898 Argentina Buenos Aires E-mail
Clements Henry P/C c1898 Argentina Buenos Aires Enquiry
Clements Robert Perry 1839 Guyana Georgetown PCC WILLS
Clements T. A. 1970 Chile Antofagasta CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES
Cleminson James 1874 Argentina Buenos Aires E-mail
Cleminson James 1874 Argentina Buenos Aires E-mail
Cleminson John & James 1870 Bolivia
Cleminson John James c1890 Argentina Buenos Aires E-mail
Clemment Alfred 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Clerk Henry 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Clerk Hilda c1900 Chile Pisagua Enquiry
Clerkenson Elizabeth 1901 Guyana Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Cleveland Nelson 1860 Brazil Bahia BAHIA CHURCH RECORD
Cliff Joseph 1850 Guyana Demarara PCC WILLS
Cliff Robert 1818 Guyana Demerara PCC WILLS
Cliffe Charlotte 1841 Argentina Buenos Aires St John's Marriage
Clifford Joseph 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Clifton William c1890 Argentina Santa Cruz LIST OF GRINGOS
CLILANZ EMILIA 1869 Argentina Buenos Aires Chascomus Census
Clinckett A J 1851 Guyana Demerara Clergy Lists
Clinckett Rev. A J
Guyana Demerara Enquiry
Clinton Napier Lencan 1882 Uruguay unknown BAPTISMAL RECORD
Clinton Reginald Bartlett 1882 Uruguay unknown BAPTISMAL RECORD
Clisby Sidney Harry 1945 Colombia Britannia Beach mining1945
Clissold George 1871 Peru Callao BRITISH IN PERU
Clissold George E 1873 Peru Lima Enquiry
Clode Ralph 1893 Argentina Buenos Aires
Clode William 1893 Argentina Buenos Aires
c1900 Argentina unknown Enquiry
Close Alberto c1900 Argentina unknown Enquiry
Close Charles H. 1881 Argentina Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Close Eduardo c1900 Argentina unknown Enquiry
Close Heriberto c1900 Argentina unknown Enquiry
Close John 1901 Argentina Buenos Aires CENSUS UK 1901
Close John B. 1881 Argentina Unknown CENSUS UK 1881
Close Leslie c1900 Argentina unknown Enquiry
Cloughessy Thomas 1863 Argentina Buenos Aires Mulhall foreigners index
Clover Helen 1901 Brazil Unknown CENSUS UK 1901
Clowes Edmund 1856 Brazil Rio de Janeiro PCC ADMINISTRATION
Clunes Agnes 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires Ships List - Margaret
Clunes William 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires Ships List - Margaret
Clunie Charles D 1903 Brazil Pernambuco Kelly Directory
Clymont John M 1825 Argentina Buenos Aires SHIPS LIST - SYMMETRY